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How Do I Create Permanent Links?

Learn how to create stable links to library resources that can then be embedded in course content.

Aclands's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy

Links to netter reference videos can be constructed by adding the following prefix to the URL shown in the browser address bar.


Database and Ejournal Lists

Permalinks to Harrell Library and PSU databases are readily available. These can be copied from the lists on the respective websites and are already proxied. Use the links below to access the database lists.

Harrell Library Databases List

Penn State University Libraries full Databases List


In both the PSU and Harrell journal lists, it is possible to create permanent links to a specific journal title.

The Harrell Journal list, the link appears as follows:

Replace "1573-2932" with the ISSN number of the journal title you wish to link to.

The PSU Journal list, the link appears as follows:

The same way, replace the "1573-2932" with your desired ISSN number.

The ISSN number appears with the title information on the display in either list.

DOI Link Resolver And List Of Resources That Use DOI

Links to the DOI link resolver.

Take the proxy prefix:

    ( AND ( AND add the DOI number at the end.

You can paste the DOI number into the DOI Link Resolver and it will take you to the article; however this is NOT a permalink.

A DOI-formatted link using the library proxy (to DOI: 10.1002/cncr.23653) looks like this:

List of Common resources that use DOI:

  • Annals and Archives of Internal Medicine
  • JAMA
  • Mary Ann Liebert
  • New England Journal of Medicine
  • Ovid SP
  • Sage Journals
  • Science Direct
  • Springer Link
  • Web of Knowledge
  • Wiley Online  

Ebsco Host

Ebsco Host offers stable or permanent links.  Look for the share or Permalink button  on any article or book when using the database.

Library Catalog (NEW)

Links to a specific item in the catalog by copying the address to the record:

Address will always start with the same address


The full link should end with a number


Links to a search in the catalog

Copy the web address of your search 


Project Muse

Start from the library web site and navigate to the article in MUSE

View the article in full-text/HTML (not PDF)

the link in the browser address bar will be the permalink

make sure that the library proxy information is included in the link. Example:


Provides a "Document URL" within a citation that is a proxied link.

In the PDF view of the article, under the title, click the "Citation/Abstract" link.

Scroll down to "Document URL" in the Indexing section. No DOI information.


Note that articles indexed in ProQuest (but not "full text" from ProQuest) have a link to the Penn State link resolver that will lead to the actual source of the citation - use the information from the ultimate source of a citation to construct a link so that you so not have to click through multiple levels to retrieve it.


Links to full text articles can be used as permanent links.

A permalink to a PubMed citation may also be used as a path to the full-text using this format:

Where "21537570" in the example is replaced with the UID of the citation you are linking to.

Red Book Online

Creating Permanent links to chapters in Red Book Online

Browse to the chapter to be linked

Copy the URL at the top of the page ex:

Add the following prefix to the URL shown in the browser address bar.
