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Medical Student Resources: Text Books

List of recommended and required textbooks for year one and two medical students at Hershey

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Resources used across the curriculum

Resources Used Across the Curriculum

Supplemental Textbooks

Foundations of Patient Centered Care

Required Textbooks for FPCC (Hershey)

Science of Health Systems

Required Textbook for Science of Health Systems (Hershey)

Scientific Principles of Medicine (SPM)

Required Textbooks for Scientific Principles of Medicine (Hershey)

Host Defense / Host Response (HDHR)

Cardiovascular Medicine

Required Textbooks for Cardiovascular Medicine  (Hershey)

Recommended Textbooks (Hershey)

Respiratory Medicine

Required Textbooks for Respiratory Medicine (Hershey)

Recommended Textbooks (Hershey)


Required Textbooks for Renal (Hershey)

Recommended Textbooks (Hershey)

Form and Function (FORM)

Required Textbooks for FORM (Hershey)

Gastrointestinal Medicine and Nutrition

Required Textbooks for GI (Hershey)

Recommended Textbooks (Hershey)

GI Anatomy Required Textbooks (Hershey)

Endocrine & Reproductive Medicine

Required Textbooks for Endo-Repro (Hershey)

Neural and Behavioral Sciences

Required Textbooks for Neural and Behavioral Science (Hershey)

Recommended Textbooks (Hershey)

Medical Laboratory Science