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How Do I Maintain My Bibliography?

Google Scholar


Google Scholar allows researchers to capture their publications as well as view Google-generated citation data by setting up a profile.  If you would like to learn more about measuring research output such as citation data and h-indexes, visit our Measuring Impact guide.


Comparison of Google Scholar Features
Features Limitations
  • Wide range of research outputs included in profile; interdisciplinary in scope
  • Includes Google-calculated citation data of available publications/works
  • Generates researcher h-index
  • Can make profile public
  • Automatic updates as well as manual updates
  • Follows researchers throughout their careers; not an internal Penn State system.
  • Unknown how Google calculates h-index and citation counts so reproducibility is difficult.
  • No proxy or administrator can manage the profile
  • No research networking capabilities
  • Review of captured publications is required to ensure accurate record. 

How to set up a Google Scholar Profile:

Full instructions can be found on the Google Scholar website but basic instructions are below.

  1. Go to Google Scholar at  Click on My Citations and log into your Google account.  If you don't have a Google account, click "Create account" below the login box.
  2. Fill in the fields required for setting up your profile.  One of the steps is to "add all articles."  You will be allowed to select articles to move to your profile.  If some of your articles are missing, click "search articles" to find them one at a time.  After selecting articles to populate your profile, you will be given the option of automatic updates in the future or to review articles before they are imported to your profile.  If an automatic update selects an incorrect article, it can be removed later.
  3. To set the automatic update feature, from your citation page, select "more" (to the right of the Add button).  Select Profile Update, click Automatically update and save your settings.
  4. Add remaining information as you'd like - photo, university email address, etc. If you'd like to make it public, be sure to activate this feature. If it is not made public, your profile cannot be found on Google Scholar.