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How Do I Maintain My Bibliography?



ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID.  It is a non-profit organization that provides a unique digital identifier for researchers and scholars to aggregate professional activities such as publications and funding while removing author ambiguity. 

ORCID generates a unique author identifier for each researcher.  A page within this online guide explains author identifiers.


Features of ORCID
Features Limitations
  • Unique identifier removes author ambiguity
  • Captures all works (publications, book chapters, patents, etc.) as well as funding
  • Helps with name ambiguity resulting from having a common name or name change
  • Used by a growing number of publishers, funders and professional societies
  • Interdisciplinary subject areas; not limited to biomedicine
  • Follows researchers throughout their careers; not an internal Penn State system.
  • Automatic updating of profile of many scholarly outputs, including journal articles (must give permission in ORCID settings)
  • Penn State affiliates can associate their ORCID with Penn State.  For faculty at PSU, associating ORCID with Penn State allows import of ORCID research output into Activity Insight.
  • Must remember to give permission for automatic update of profile
  • No citation metrics (e.g. number of times a paper has been cited)
  • Not designed to be a research networking tool




Registering for and populating an ORCID account:

  1. Visit to register for an account. You will receive a confirmation email with further instructions shortly after registration.
  2. Log into ORCID using the link sent to you with your email address and password.
  3. To add publications, click Import Works.  You can select publications to import from different databases including Scopus and CrossRef.  If you have a ResearcherID, you can select that option to move your data into ORCID.  You must give the system permission to capture the references and move them to your account.  Once you select the database you'd like to use, follow the instructions for that particular import wizard.  Note:  Biomedicine articles such as the ones found in PubMed will be found in Scopus.
  4. "Add works manually" is a feature to add scholarly output that may not be in the represented databases (e.g. book chapter, musical scores, etc.)  Add however many entries you have for this section.
  5. Funding sources can be included in ORCID by employing the UberWizard to locate your grants or entering them manually.
  6. Employment and education histories can be added to the record as well.

ORCID maintains a support page for frequently asked questions or more information.

Information on setting up a delegate for account maintenance can be found on the ORCID website.